John Peter Berger Quotes

Common-sense is part of the home-made ideology of those who have been deprived of fundamental learning, of those who have been kept ignorant. This ideology is compounded from different sources: items that have survived from religion, items of empirical knowledge, items of protective skepticism, items culled for comfort from the superficial learning that is supplied. But the point is that common-sense can never teach itself, can never advance beyond its own limits, for as soon as the lack of fundamental learning has been made good, all items become questionable and the whole function of common-sense is destroyed. Common-sense can only exist as a category insofar as it can be distinguished from the spirit of inquiry, from philosophy.
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John Peter Berger. (n.d.). Retrieved December 18, 2024, from Website:

Chicago Style Citation

John Peter Berger. Accessed December 18, 2024.

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"John Peter Berger." December 18, 2024. <>