You can’t exactly bake a man to your specifications. Most of all, one shouldn’t alienate a candidate. A hybrid of Einstein, Tarzan and Inge Meysel doesn’t exist. Besides, the images of politicians in the media aren’t always accurate. I’ve had my share of experiences in that regard.
Peer Steinbrück Quotes
Over a period of 20 years, German reunification has cost 2 trillion euros, or an average of 100 billion euros a year. So, we have to ask ourselves: Aren't we willing to pay a tenth of that over several years for Europe's unity?
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Comments on: "Peer Steinbrück Quotes: Over a period of 20 years, German reunification has cost 2 trillion euros,..."
When I look at the chaotic and volatile debate right now, both in Germany and around the world, my impression and concern is that the daily barrage of proposals and political statements is making markets and consumers even more nervous. Still, Brussels is pressing for a joint European approach.
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There’s no more place in the euro zone for well-meaning laxness when dealing with deficits and failings. If the demands on Greece aren’t taken seriously, we’ll get stuck in quicksand. In the worst case, this would make it acceptable for one tranche to not be paid out. It is in the Greeks own interest not to test that.
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There are still deep-seated structural problems that threaten the economic balance in the world: Between the United States and China, for example, but also within Europe. We have taken a few steps toward taming the financial markets, but we haven’t come nearly far enough to rule out a repetition of the crisis.
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Birth: | 10th January, 1947 |
Nationality: | German |
Profession: | Politician |
Peer Steinbruck is a German social democratic politician. He was the SPD candidate for Chancellor of Germany in the 2013 federal election. From 2005 to 2009 he served as German Federal Minister of Finance in the cabinet of Angela Merkel. He was nominated by his party as opposition candidate for Chancellor on 28 September 2012.
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