Michael Stipe Quotes

So, when you divide the world into music lovers, music fans and then those people who are just very casual about their music, it's wallpaper to them, it's elevator music, it's just the thing that's playing in the background that helps them through their day.
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Michael Stipe. (n.d.). QuotesWave.com. Retrieved December 26, 2024, from QuotesWave.com. Website:https://www.quoteswave.com/text-quotes/40644

Chicago Style Citation

Michael Stipe. QuotesWave.com. Accessed December 26, 2024. https://www.quoteswave.com/text-quotes/40644

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"Michael Stipe." QuotesWave.com. December 26, 2024. <https://www.quoteswave.com/text-quotes/40644>