A business is good if it gives a decent day’s reward for a decent day’s work, treats people decently, and gives them a voice at the top.
Frances O'Grady Quotes
The difficulty for the Government is there's this ideological straitjacket of the market will provide, let the market rip and everything will work out... It's back to trickle-down economics, which, it's plain to see, have not delivered.
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All the evidence shows very clearly that if you are a member of a trade union you are likely to get better pay, more equal pay, better health and safety, more chance to get training, more chance to have conditions of work that help if you have caring responsibilities… the list goes on!
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Britain is a textbook case of how growing inequality leads to economic crisis. The years before the crash were marked by a sharp rise in remortgaging and the growth of 0 percent balance transfer credit cards. By 2008 the UK had the highest ratio of household debt to GDP of any major economy.
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Birth: | 9th November, 1959 |
Nationality: | British |
Profession: | Union Leader |
Frances Lorraine O'Grady was born in Oxford, England. She is the General Secretary of the British Trades Union Congress. She earned a BA Hons in politics and modern history from Manchester University. She received a Diploma in Industrial Relations and Trade Union Studies at Middlesex Polytechnic. In February 2013 she was assessed as the 11th most powerful woman in Britain by Woman's Hour on BBC Radio 4.
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