David Eagleman Quotes

The same stimuli in the world can be inducing very different experiences internally and it's probably based on a single change in a gene. What I am doing is pulling the gene forward and imaging and doing behavioural tests to understand what that difference is and how reality can be constructed so differently.
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David Eagleman. (n.d.). QuotesWave.com. Retrieved December 26, 2024, from QuotesWave.com. Website:https://www.quoteswave.com/text-quotes/330086

Chicago Style Citation

David Eagleman. QuotesWave.com. Accessed December 26, 2024. https://www.quoteswave.com/text-quotes/330086

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"David Eagleman." QuotesWave.com. December 26, 2024. <https://www.quoteswave.com/text-quotes/330086>