The interval allowed was only five minutes, at the end of which I resumed the lecture; but so refreshing was the effects of the brief rest and, above all, the admission of pure air, that during the second hour the attention was as completely sustained as during the first.
George Combe Quotes
I requested the gentlemen to put on their hats, and the ladies their shawls, to avoid catching cold, and then had the windows widely opened. This proceeding caused some astonishment and alarm at first; for the Americans generally have a dread of cold air.
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Birth: | 21st October, 1788 |
Death: | 14th August, 1858 |
Nationality: | Scottish |
Profession: | Phrenologist, Writer |
George Combe was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was a Scottish phrenologist, lawyer, natural philosopher, and writer. He founded the Edinburgh Phrenological Society in 1820 and was the author of the highly influential The Constitution of Man. He trained in Scots law and had an Edinburgh solicitor's practice. Although even at the time many people doubted the ‘scientific’ evidence for such assumptions, Combe believed that phrenology was ‘the greatest and most important discovery ever communicated to mankind’. He wrote several books include: Elements of Phrenology, A System of Phrenology, Science And Religion, Lectures on Phrenology, On the functions of the cerebellum, and Moral Philosophy.
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