Karen Armstrong Quotes

It is, therefore, a mistake to regard myth as an inferior mode of thought, which can be cast aside when human beings have attained the age of reason. Mythology is not an early attempt at history, and does not claim that its tales are objective fact. Like a novel, an opera or a ballet, myth is make-believe; it is a game that transfigures our fragmented, tragic world, and helps us to glimpse new possibilities by asking 'what if?' -- a question which has also provoked some of our most important discoveries in philosophy, science and technology.
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APA Style Citation

Karen Armstrong. (n.d.). QuotesWave.com. Retrieved December 18, 2024, from QuotesWave.com. Website:https://www.quoteswave.com/text-quotes/10387

Chicago Style Citation

Karen Armstrong. QuotesWave.com. Accessed December 18, 2024. https://www.quoteswave.com/text-quotes/10387

MLA Style Citation

"Karen Armstrong." QuotesWave.com. December 18, 2024. <https://www.quoteswave.com/text-quotes/10387>