Famous German Authors
Famous Quotes and Sayings
Erich Auerbach
Critic -
Erich Honecker
Politician -
Erich Maria Remarque
Novelist -
Ernst Engel
Economist -
Ernst Haeckel
Artist -
Ernst Jünger
Army Officer -
Ernst Kaltenbrunner
Lawyer -
Ernst Lubitsch
Actor -
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Painter -
Ernst Moritz Arndt
Author -
Ernst Rohm
Army Officer -
Ernst Thalmann
Politician -
Ernst Toller
Playwright -
Ernst Zündel
Activist -
Erwin Rommel
Soldier -
Eugen Herrigel
Philosopher -
Eva Anna Paula Hitler
Assistant -
Evelyn Anderson
Journalist -
Felix Klein
Mathematician -
Felix Mendelssohn
Composer -
Ferdinand Christian Baur
Theologian -
Frank Wedekind
Playwright -
Franka Potente
Actress -
Franz Beckenbauer
Football Player -
Franz Halder
General -
Franz Marc
Painter -
Franz von Papen
Army Officer -
Frederick the Great
Royalty -
Frieda von Richthofen
Celebrity -
Friedrich Ebert
Politician -
Friedrich Engels
Author -
Friedrich List
Economist -
Friedrich Ludwig Jahn
Gymnast -
Friedrich Nietzsche
Critic -
Friedrich Schiller
Historian -
Friedrich Schleiermacher
Pastor -
Friedrich von Logau
Poet -
Friedrich von Schelling
Philosopher -
Fritz Gerlich
Historian -
Fritz Perls
Psychiatrist -
Fritz Sauckel
Politician -
Fritz Todt
Civil Engineer -
Georg Baselitz
Painter -
Georg Buchner
Playwright -
Georg Cantor
Mathematician -
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Satirist -
Georg Friedrich Treitschke
Translator -
Georg Groddeck
Physician -
Georg Hermes
Theologian -
Georg Herwegh
Poet -
Georg Simmel
Philosopher -
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Philosopher -
Georg zu Münster
Paleontologist -
George Grosz
Artist -
Gerd Von Rundstedt
Army Officer -
Gerhard Schroder
Politician -
Giacomo Meyerbeer
Composer -
Gottfried Benn
Poet -
Gottfried von Strassburg
Poet -
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Critic -
Gregor Strasser
Politician -
Guenther Roth
Sociologist -
Gunter Grass
Novelist -
Gustav Heinemann
Politician -
Gustav Krupp Von Bohlen Und Halbach
Businessman -
Gustav Stresemann
Politician -
Guy Sajer
Author -
Hannah Vogt
Historian -
Hanns Eisler
Composer -
Hanns Johst
Playwright -
Hans Bender
Psychologist -
Hans Berger
Inventor -
Hans Bethe
Physicist -
Hans Fallada
Author -
Hans Frank
Lawyer -
Hans Haacke
Artist -
Hans Hofmann
Painter -
Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Author -
Hans Poelzig
Architect -
Hans Werner Henze
Composer -
Hans-Georg Gadamer
Philosopher -
Heidi Klum
Model -
Heinrich Heine
Poet -
Heinrich Himmler
Army Officer -
Heinrich Hoffmann
Psychiatrist -
Heinrich Mann
Novelist -
Heinrich Schliemann
Archaeologist -
Heinrich von Treitschke
Historian -
Heinz Wilhelm Guderian
General -
Helmut Kohl
Politician -
Helmut Newton
Photographer -
Helmut Walcha
Organist -
Helmuth Von Moltke The Younger
Soldier -
Herbert Marcuse
Philosopher -
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Psychologist -
Hermann Goring
Politician -
Hermann Hesse
Novelist -
Hermann Minkowski
Mathematician -
Hermann Oberth
Physicist -
Hermann von Helmholtz
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