When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.
When I was born, A Woman was there to hold me : My Mother.
As I grew up as a child, A woman was there to care & play with me: My Sister.
I went to school, A Woman was there to help me learn: My Teacher.
I became depressed when I lost, A Woman was there to offer a shoulder: My Girlfriend.
I needed compatibility, company & Love, A Woman was there for me: My Wife.
I became tough, A Woman was there to melt me: My Daughter.
When I will die, A Woman will be there to absorb me in: My Motherland.
If you are a Man, value every Woman.
If you are a Woman, feel Proud to be one.
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