Kill a man, one is a murderer; Kill a million, a conqueror; Kill them all, a God.
Jean Rostand Quotes (Images)
Showing all picture quotesJean Rostand (58)
Birth: | 30th October, 1894 |
Death: | 4th September, 1977 |
Nationality: | French |
Profession: | Biologist, Philosopher, Writer |
Jean Rostand was born in Paris, France. He was a French biologist, philosopher and science writer. His scientific work covered a variety of biological fields such as amphibian embryology, parthenogenesis and teratogeny, while his literary output extended into popular science, history of science and philosophy. He was active in several causes, in particular against nuclear proliferation and the death penalty. He was elected to the Académie française in 1959. He wrote several books include: La loi des riches, Pensées d'un biologiste, Charles Darwin, Carnet d'un biologiste, The substance of man, Larousse science of life, and Bestiario del amor.
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