Kurt Masur Quotes

As I came to New York, it was for me a new beginning. To discover what people are living here. What do they need, what do they expect, what would they like to be the image and the performance of the New York Philharmonic?
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APA Style Citation

Kurt Masur. (n.d.). QuotesWave.com. Retrieved December 26, 2024, from QuotesWave.com. Website:https://www.quoteswave.com/text-quotes/238819

Chicago Style Citation

Kurt Masur. QuotesWave.com. Accessed December 26, 2024. https://www.quoteswave.com/text-quotes/238819

MLA Style Citation

"Kurt Masur." QuotesWave.com. December 26, 2024. <https://www.quoteswave.com/text-quotes/238819>